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  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 20 June, 2024 Kidney cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, is a significant global health issue affecting hundreds of thousands of people each year. To raise awareness about this often-overlooked disease, World Kidney Cancer Day is observed annually on the third Thursday of June. This day is dedicated to spreading knowledge about kidney cancer, promoting early detection, and supporting those affected by the disease. At KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals, the best multispeciality hospital in Hyderabad, we are committed to joining this global effort and providing the best care and

  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 02 June, 2024 Every year, National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in June, a day that shines a light on the millions of cancer survivors around the world. It's a day of celebration, inspiration, and above all, hope. At KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals, the best oncology hospital near you, we stand in solidarity with

  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 22 May, 2024 If you’re watching the news, you’ve probably seen the news about how Covishield vaccines could potentially cause cardiac arrests. How much of this is true? If it is true, what should you do to stay safe? Let’s find out in the article below. Understanding Covishield and Cardiac Health Risks: Covishield, developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, has shown remarkable efficacy in preventing COVID-19. However, like all vaccines, it can lead to side effects, albeit mostly mild and temporary. Recently, concerns have been raised about the potential link between Covishield

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  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 20 June, 2024 Kidney cancer, also known as renal cell carcinoma, is a significant global health issue affecting hundreds of thousands of people each year. To raise awareness about this often-overlooked disease, World Kidney Cancer Day is observed annually on the third Thursday of June. This day is dedicated to spreading knowledge about kidney cancer, promoting early detection, and supporting those affected by the disease. At KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals, the best multispeciality hospital in Hyderabad, we are committed to joining this global effort and providing the best care and

  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 02 June, 2024 Every year, National Cancer Survivors Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in June, a day that shines a light on the millions of cancer survivors around the world. It's a day of celebration, inspiration, and above all, hope. At KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals, the best oncology hospital near you, we stand in solidarity with

  • Verified By KIMS-SUNSHINE Specialist, 22 May, 2024 If you’re watching the news, you’ve probably seen the news about how Covishield vaccines could potentially cause cardiac arrests. How much of this is true? If it is true, what should you do to stay safe? Let’s find out in the article below. Understanding Covishield and Cardiac Health Risks: Covishield, developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, has shown remarkable efficacy in preventing COVID-19. However, like all vaccines, it can lead to side effects, albeit mostly mild and temporary. Recently, concerns have been raised about the potential link between Covishield

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