Dr. Anagh Chakravorty
Dr. Anagh Chakravorty
Qualification / Education:
- M.B.B.S – Kasturba medical college, Mangalore (Manipal university)
- D.N.B Anaesthesia – The Bangalore Hospital, Bangalore
- D.M Neuroanaesthesia – NIMHANS, Bangalore
- Super specialty training (DM Neuroanesthesia) – Department of Neuroanesthesia & Neuro Critical Care, NIMHANS, Bangalore from July 2018 to June 2021.
- Senior Residency – Department of Neuroanesthesia & Neuro Critical Care, NIMHANS, Bangalore from July 2017 to May 2018.
Expertise & Areas of Interest:
- Perioperative Neuroanesthesia management: Supratentorial, Posterior fossa, Endoscopic, Intracranial Aneurysm, Awake craniotomy and Spinal surgeries.
- Pediatric neurosurgery: CSF Diversion (VP/TP shunts, ETV), Myelomeningocele, Moya-Moya disease, Craniosynostosis surgeries
- Neurophysiological monitoring: SSEP, MEP, BAER, VEP, EEG, D – Wave.
- Multi-modal monitoring: TCD, NIRS, ICP, SJVO2, Cardiac Output monitors.
- Neuro-radiology suite: Anesthesia for MRI, diagnostic cerebral angiograms, interventional radiological procedures – Aneurysm coiling, AVM embolization, Balloon angioplasty.
- Airway Management: Awake fiberoptic intubation, video-laryngoscopy, percutaneous tracheostomy, handling difficult airway cases.
- Neurotrauma: Management of EDH, Acute/Chronic SDH, Skull/Spine Fractures.
- Stroke: Management of Mechanical Thrombectomy, Carotid endarterectomy, Decompressive craniectomy, CVT, ICH.
- Critical Neurological Illness: Status epilepticus, GB syndrome, Myesthenia Gravis, Autoimmune encephalitis2
- ‘Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes During Therapeutic Intra-Arterial Nimodipine Infusion In Patients Treated For Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage – A Clinical Study’ – Thesis project for award of DM Neuroanesthesia degree
- ‘Comparison of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine And Midazolam as Premedication In Spinal Anesthesia – A Clinical Study’ – Thesis project for award of DNB Anesthesiology degree.
- Life member – Indian society of Neuroanesthesia and critical care
Awards and Honours:
- ISNACC 2021 – Award paper presentation, Speaker at PG symposium
- Represented and captained Football Team, K.M.C Mangalore in various regional and national tournaments.
- Represented K.M.C. Mangalore Literary Team in various intercollegiate cultural fests.
- Acoustic Blues & Slide guitar player.