Spine Centre

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Best Hospital for Spine Surgery in Hyderabad

Best Centre for Spinal Care & Spinal Surgeries

Hyderabad, In Begumpet near Secunderabad.

At KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals Spine Center in Hyderabad we have a dedicated medical and surgical department for the entire spectrum of disorders related to the vertebral column & spinal cord. The Spine Centre in Hyderabad takes care of all spine and spinal cord-related problems – both surgical and non-surgical.

We give the best results to our patients by employing the most sophisticated technology and clinical expertise. At our spine care centre, the complete range of spine care we provide to our patients is in accordance with international quality standards near you.

Our experts work as a collaborative and multidisciplinary team that comprises spine surgeons, physiotherapists, trained nurses and supportive staff to deliver customised treatment and therapy for each patient according to their unique preferences – ranging from diagnostic, therapeutic and lifestyle-related goals. The main aim of the treatment is to reduce pain and improve mobility and functionality – thereby improving patients’ health and quality of life.

Spine, Spinal Fracture, and Injury

The spine is what we generally call the backbone. However, the backbone also consists of the spinal cord, a nerve-filled structure that is protected by the spine. The spine is composed of many bones, called the vertebrae. The vertebrae are cushioned ‘discs’ which reduce the impact of any external force on the spine. The spine has four segments: the cervical vertebrae, the thoracic vertebrae, the lumbar vertebrae, and the sacral vertebrae.

Spinal fracture

Traumatic forces or bone weakness due to a tumour or infection can cause spinal fractures in the vertebrae. In some cases, fractures can result from injury to the structures adjacent to the spinal cord, i.e., the nerve roots, or the cauda equina (the grouping of nerve roots at the end of the spinal cord). Such injuries may produce profound neurological deficits. Fractures are diagnosed using a combination of plain films, CT, and MRI (if an underlying spinal cord injury exists).

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) refers to an acute, traumatic injury to the spinal cord and the associated neurological deficits after that. Typically, SCI is an after effect of trauma and spinal fractures. Arteriovenous malformations or thoracic aortic surgery can also cause spinal cord infarction and injury in rare cases. Also, a spinal cord injury can strike at any age due to trauma, a tumour, or an infection. Symptoms of SCI vary depending on the level at which the cord is injured. For instance, loss of motor and sensory function in the arms and legs is witnessed when the cervical spinal cord is injured. Motor and sensory dysfunction in the legs (paraparesis or paraplegia) can be seen when the thoracic or lumbar levels are injured.

The Spine Department at KIMS SUNSHINE Hospital takes care of all spine and spinal cord-related problems – both surgical and non-surgical including:

  • Infection
  • Herniated Disc
  • Deformities
  • Revision Surgery
  • Fracture
  • Tumour
  • Degenerative Spine
  • Cervical Spine Problem

At KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals, the spine care centre near you has a department of spine surgery that has fellowship-trained, dedicated spine surgeons who are involved in patient care, including evaluation, surgery, and post-operative management. The team believes in the Seattle ‘Team’ Approach, which ensures patient safety and reduces complications drastically

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Traditional open spine surgery is an extremely complicated and, to some extent, riskier procedure. It also takes more time to recover. Naturally, it’s more painful and requires more medicine and medical support.

As a solution to that, at KIMS SUNSHINE Hospital spine centre in Hyderabad, you can opt for a Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS), also known as keyhole or pinhole surgery. For these surgeries, the surgeons make a few small holes and perform the surgery via those holes. The latest Minimal Access Spinal Technologies (MAST) assist doctors to perform flawless surgery. Minimally invasive surgery is a popular choice among patients who prefer spine surgery.

  • Comprehensive Pain Management Services
  • Minimal Access Spinal Technologies (MAST)
  • Dynamic Stabilisation (vital support for spine)
  • Navigation-Guided Spine Surgeries
  • Image guided pain management procedures
  • Laminar Airflow in Operating Rooms (reduces the risk of infection)
  • Intra-operative Neuromonitoring (prevents surgical injuries)
  • Physiotherapy & Spine Rehab Centre

Treatments Offered

  • Spinal Disc Surgeries – Lumbar & Cervical
  • Spinal Stenosis Surgeries – Lumbar & Cervical
  • Interbody Fusions – Lumbar & Cervical
  • Spine Trauma Care
  • Correction of Spinal Deformities
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Vertebroplasty & Kyphoplasty
  • Spinal Reconstruction
  • Osteoporotic Fractures

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Why Choose Us?

Our Spine Care department at KIMS-Sunshine Hospitals in Begumpet, Hyderabad, has unparalleled experience diagnosing and treating spine disorders. Our highly skilled spine surgeons use new technologies and minimally invasive techniques to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients. We offer personalised treatment plans that are suited to each individual’s needs, resulting in a quick and effective recovery. Our dedication to professionalism and compassionate care has made us the top choice for spine health in Hyderabad. Choose KIMS-Sunshine, the best orthopaedic hospital near you, because of our established track record, cutting-edge facilities, and commitment to your well-being.

Schedule an appointment with our top orthopaedics in Hyderabad, today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Spine Care Center?

A Spine Care Center is a specialized medical facility that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of spinal conditions and disorders. It offers comprehensive care for patients with back pain, spinal injuries, degenerative disc diseases, and other spine-related problems.

Why choose KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals for spine care and spine surgery?

KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals in Begumpet is recognized as one of the best centers for spine care and spine surgery. They have a dedicated team of experienced spine surgeons, advanced diagnostic tools, and state-of-the-art surgical facilities. The hospital is committed to delivering personalized and effective treatment options for patients with spinal conditions.

What conditions are treated at a Spine Care Center?

A Spine Care Center treats a wide range of spinal conditions, including:

Herniated discs

Spinal stenosis


Spinal fractures

Degenerative disc diseases

Spinal tumors

Spinal deformities

Spinal infections

What are the treatment options available for spinal disorders?

The treatment options for spinal disorders may vary depending on the specific condition and its severity. They can include non-surgical approaches such as medication, physical therapy, and pain management techniques. In cases where surgery is required, minimally invasive spine surgery or traditional open surgery may be performed.

How experienced are the spine surgeons at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals?

The spine surgeons at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals are highly experienced and skilled in performing spine surgeries. They have undergone specialized training in spine surgery and have a proven track record of successful outcomes. The hospital’s team of spine surgeons works collaboratively to provide comprehensive and individualized care to each patient.

What is minimally invasive spine surgery?

Minimally invasive spine surgery is an advanced surgical technique that utilizes small incisions and specialized instruments to access and treat spinal conditions. It offers several benefits over traditional open surgery, including smaller incisions, less tissue damage, reduced blood loss, and faster recovery times.

What is the recovery process after spine surgery?

The recovery process after spine surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure performed and individual factors. It typically involves a period of rest, physical therapy, and rehabilitation. The spine care team at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals will provide detailed post-operative instructions and guide you through the recovery process.

Are all spinal conditions treated with surgery?

No, not all spinal conditions require surgery. Many spinal conditions can be effectively managed through non-surgical approaches such as medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. The spine care specialists at KIMS-SUNSHINE Hospitals will conduct a thorough evaluation and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on your specific condition.

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