World Physiotherapy Day: The Importance of Physiotherapy for a Healthier, Pain-Free Life

World Physiotherapy Day is celebrated every year on September 8, and the theme for this year is ‘Lower back pain’. This annual event is organised by World Physiotherapy (formerly known as the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT), as it was founded on this very day, in the year 1951. It is a great platform for physiotherapists based globally to come together and help the common masses understand why maintaining physical health is a good thing to put effort into. Since it is a thematic event, let us learn more about lower back pain and how regular physiotherapy can help alleviate chronic pain and inflammation or related symptoms.
Is Physiotherapy A Good Choice For Lower Back Pain Relief?
Absolutely. We all know that the spine is a complex structure composed of multiple components fitted together like a very precise jigsaw puzzle. If there is any issue with any of the puzzle pieces- say the bones, tendons, muscles or any other tissue, then a common symptom noticed is pain. This pain may be due to a muscle spasm, some injury, poor posture, sciatica, arthritis, ageing or many other lifestyle related factors. Most of us can get away with plenty of rest or some painkillers to feel normal again. But, what if there is chronic and unresolved pain?
This is where regular physiotherapy can greatly help! A therapist will look at the issue you have, and chalk up a personalised exercise or therapy plan consisting of a set of exercises which when done properly can greatly relieve pain, strengthen your core, improve flexibility and just generally improve your quality of life too. Other therapeutic approaches may also be used depending on severity- like manual therapy with ultrasound, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or interferential therapy (IFT) respectively.
Incidence of Lower Back Pain or Lumbago is Increasing
Statistics show that almost 1 in every 13 individuals in the world complain of lumbago at some point or other in their life. It is mostly non-specific (you cannot isolate the exact cause for the pain), but in some cases, it can be specific. Since most of the activities we do centre around sitting, working, standing or anything at all that involves the spine, proper rehabilitation when done can help immensely.
How Does Celebrating World PT Day Help?
World Physiotherapy has come up with plenty of informative resources – like posters, social media campaigns, toolkits for advocacy, and a detailed activities guide which give you snippets on exercises, good technique, being consistent and remaining injury and pain free long after therapy gets done.
Physiotherapy can greatly help reduce pain and also decrease the chances of requiring any surgical intervention. Leading an active life is the key to keeping all pain away, and a physiotherapist is your best friend in this regard. Being physically active in the right way can keep your heart healthy, and all your other organs will thank you for this. So, say no to a sedentary lifestyle, and begin exercising today. No more excuses, ok?
Frequently Asked Questions
If back pain is severe, does it mean there is something seriously wrong with my body?
Nope, stop panicking! Pain is very subjective, and that is why a doctor will ask you on a scale of 0-10 how the pain is. You may get better soon with no need for anything other than rest. It is not a life-threatening event.
An X-ray is necessary to diagnose issues with my back?
Imaging techniques are notorious for being vague when it is non-specific lumbago. Also, remember this- normal wear and tear can happen if you are older and that can show up as bulges or arthritis on your scans.
I must stop exercising altogether if I get any pain?
Nope. Rest, but began exercising slowly and don’t stop completely. Being inactive is way more harmful in the long run. The pain may be due to improper technique or form. So learn the right way to exercise and you should be fine.
Getting old and having lower back pain is a normal thing?
No. There are plenty of people who are old, but remain pain free. Ask them what they do and they will most definitely tell you that proper exercise is one such factor which has helped them age well.
Sitting up straight and not slouching is the only way I can prevent back pain?
No. Our spine is inherently curved. Whatever position is comfortable for you is the best for your spine and this is going to change every day.

Dr. Mohammed Dilawar
PT, FNR, CGTPM, MD Cupping
Asst. HOD, Dept of Physiotherapy