The Benefits of Walking: A Simple Way to Stay Fit

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The Benefits of Walking: A Simple Way to Stay Fit

The Benefits of Walking: A Simple Way to Stay Fit

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23 September, 2024

The Benefits of Walking: A Simple Way to Stay Fit
Walking is thought of as a means to an end and not as a great exercise alternative. It is an option that old folks should be using as they may not be as mobile as before. It won’t get your heart pumping as quickly as running would. It won’t help me lose excess weight and on and on. These are all common misconceptions associated with the simple act of walking. Let us dismiss these myths one by one with proper logic, with baby steps.

Why Walking Is Good For Your Health

Check out your fitness app on your phone – it will urge you to get at least 150 minutes of uninterrupted exercise every week. But does it specify how? Not exactly, because you can do what you like to cull those calories. If taking long walks is more your jam then why not? Walking is great in many ways – if you pace yourself well, you can increase your heart rate nicely and get the blood flowing very well. It does not place any undue stress on your joints, even if you are old or overweight or have had any injury in the past. You get to meet or see new things while you are out walking. But, if you are an introvert, then don’t worry! A treadmill can still be your new bestie. You don’t need any special equipment either – just trust yourself to put one foot in front of the other while wearing simple and comfortable shoes and you are done! Why is walking good though? You can maintain peak cardiovascular health, keep your blood glucose levels normal, lower or maintain your blood pressure, improve endurance, balance, muscle and bone health. In addition to all these, you can also keep those extra kilos away effectively!

How Many Steps Should I Walk Daily?

You can try to walk briskly for the first 5000 steps in a day. Try to do it at the same time. You can then walk the rest of the 5000 steps all through the day at a normal pace – like during your commute, climbing the stairs at work or home, going to the shop to buy something or walking a pet, picking a child up from school or daycare – the options are really endless here. So, the rule of thumb is – 10k steps per day for excellent health related benefits. If you walk uphill or walk with weights in hand, then you increase difficulty levels and your body will put in more effort.

Walking Vs Running For Fitness

If you are on a deadline and need to lose weight extra quick, then running may be a better option. But walking is slower and a much surer way to keep the extra kilos away. Both are different ways to get some cardio going. For most of us, walking or running the same distance doesn’t feel very different – except for the time factor. The calories we spend are almost the same. Walking is a better option for someone who has been sedentary all this while. You can easily improve your mood and get the serotonin boost you need from a brisk walk. Running requires proper technique and if you don’t do it correctly, you are more prone to injury. There is no such danger with walking.


Walking is just another kind of physical activity to include daily for better health in the long run. Many recent studies have shown that just getting regular exercise is great. There is no need to specifically do HIIT workouts. A good brisk walk will still offer the same benefits as one intense HIIT workout, albeit with much less risk of injury. It is easy to start and you can definitely make friends at the local park. There is no need to invest in any expensive gear or footwear. It just needs to be comfortable. So, the moral of the story – never stop moving, and just start walking!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I walk to stay fit?

You can plan to walk about 10000 steps or more everyday to stay fit.

How does walking improve mental health?

Movement in any form increases the formation of the feel good hormones called serotonin and related endorphins due to your heart pumping and blood flowing freer than ever. All of this can contribute to a better mood and reduce depressive feelings in a day.

What are the best times of day to walk for fitness?

A morning walk is your best bet. If you walk before breakfast, then your body tends to utilize more fat in the process, helping you reduce your weight. Walking after dinner is also a great option which will help you relax and wind down. It will also help in better digestion.

How fast should I walk to get health benefits?

Walk in a brisk fashion – you may pant a little but you should still be able to talk a bit. Walk at that pace till you begin to sweat.

Is walking enough exercise to stay fit?

Yes, walking is a great alternative to being sedentary.

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