Is World Mental Health Day

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Is World Mental Health Day

Is World Mental Health Day

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10 October, 2024

Is World Mental Health Day
Physicality is everything now- we obsess greatly over how we look and we try to get our hands on anything which can make us look and feel more attractive. Great, we will all look chic and pretty but are we really feeling fine on the inside? This is where celebrating World Mental Health Day comes in- this day forces us to think about how we really feel and not just try to dumb down our emotions or thoughts (however intrusive or negative they may be) and smother them under fake expectations. This day is thematically represented every year, and this time it places ‘Mental Health At The Workplace’ in the spotlight. We all think that having a successful well paying job trumps everything. We couldn’t be more wrong about it all!

The Significance Of World Mental Health Day

noble aspiration alright, but you need to remember that this is a capitalist economy. You still need to prioritise your mental needs and health above a good pay check and understand the importance of a good work-life balance. You must have heard of a recent case on social media- an employee at a reputable consultancy firm was super happy about getting to work there at first. But quickly, she realised that the incessant calls and emails and micromanagement were not worth it. She could not withstand the constant pressure and the great competition with her colleagues and could not get help at the right juncture. She ended her life abruptly, but she had so much more to live for. This is just one example out of so many millions of people who suffer similarly.

Mental Health Awareness In The Indian Workplace

Mental health awareness is very abysmal in India- we think we are employees and that we don’t have any rights. We need to get out of this mindset and understand that working in an organisation is a give and take relationship. So, if the company does not emphasise better working conditions and mental health practices, it is time you step up to do just that.

Some History For You

The World Federation for Mental Health is a global organisation that is 75 years old. To commemorate this great milestone, this year the theme was decided as ‘It is Time To Prioritise Mental Health At The Workplace’. They have partnered with the WHO and the UN to come up with strategic policy making all these years. The decision to celebrate 10 Oct as World Mental Health Day was made in 1992.


Understanding that you have an issue is the first step. But then, it requires great courage to go forward from there and ask for help. We worry incessantly about getting judged and perception is reality especially at work for so many of us. Many employees are stressed, anxious or downright depressed due to a variety of reasons. It is time we take the bull by the horn and address the issue properly. Placing greater emphasis on workplace issues like harassment, not sticking to boundaries, having unrealistic expectations and putting too much pressure on employees will help us weed out issues. It is a tough job market out there but selling your soul to the devil for some perks and good bucks doesn’t sound very great in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who organises World Mental Health Day?
The World Federation for Mental Health based in Geneva organises this event annually to make people understand that good mental health needs to be treasured and that people who need help need it without any judgement.
Why is good mental health not a priority?
Mental health or wellness is something which cannot be quantified. But a high salary, long working hours and better bonuses sound like great replacements for it as we can place a value on them all.
How can we get better if we are not feeling well mentally?
We can talk to trusted friends, family or therapists and get the help we need. Therapy is a safe space where you can talk about anything on your mind. You can then choose to work on those issues at your own pace.
Is stigma a major problem when dealing with mental wellness?
Yes, getting therapy is still frowned upon for some silly reasons like a poor reputation or what others may say. You should remember this always- people who don’t like you don’t need a reason to complain. So, you can just do what you wish to do in life.
What are some ways I can use to feel better?
You can take a long due vacation, take a break and unwind so you can come black with a fresh perspective. You could even just walk your dog or go for a jog. You do you-whatever you like doing is a stressbuster actually.

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