Menopause – Myths vs. Reality
Most every woman knows the term ‘menopause’ but it is still one that is shrouded in mystery for the most part. There are so many changes that occur in the body- so much that it can be a huge transition to deal with. In the simplest of terms- it is the time period in a woman’s life, when her monthly ovulation cycle comes to a complete halt. In India, for some reason, early menopause is a huge issue in some parts, while in other parts of the world- around the 50s is when it normally occurs. Menopause is never a sudden event and there are a host of symptoms that show up- in varying degrees of severity- which is why each woman has a very personal anecdote to narrate, every single time. We will look at 5 major areas of concern and see why and how they occur and if making changes in your daily routine can help you manage symptoms.
Concern No. 1- Does menopause always cause weight gain?
Nope, not always. Weight gain involves a hormonal component- and the shift in levels of progesterone and oestrogen can mean that your adipocytes or fat cells will begin to behave differently. Weight gain around the abdomen is more pronounced now than ever. Plus, as you age, your muscle mass tends to decrease and if you don’t eat well or get any exercise- you are setting yourself up for more than average weight gain due to poor lifestyle choices, rather than hormonal imbalances alone.
Concern No. 2- Is early menopause normal or a health concern?
Menopause is preceded by a transition phase called perimenopause, which can last for many years by itself. In India, early menopause is sort of an issue due to a variety of factors- women having lesser number of children than before, having other comorbidities, making poor dietary choices and not knowing how to identify early menopause symptoms and having it misdiagnosed as something else entirely. Perimenopause normally begins in the 40s but for some women, it may begin a little earlier. It is abnormal and can leave you more vulnerable to heart disease, bone related issues and fertility concerns. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help such individuals in a lot of cases.
Concern No. 3- Is menopause the same for all women?
Nope! Menopause is different for each woman. For some, they face all symptoms- like nightsweats, hot flashes, weight gain, irregular periods, insomnia, mood changes, brain fog, vaginal dryness, changes in libido, hair loss, urinary incontinence and what not. For others- they may face just a few of these symptoms and they may not even be very severe either.
Concern No. 4- Does menopause mean the end of sex drive?
Low libido is a genuine concern, but it is mainly caused by the major drop in oestrogen. Vaginal dryness is a major issue for many women, making sex an uncomfortable event, leading to very low levels of sex drive. You could make changes to your routine- like engaging in foreplay longer, using lubes or get HRT. Talking to your doctor is the best idea at this point in time.
Concern No. 5- How long do menopause symptoms actually last?
On an average, women spend about 7-10 years being in perimenopause. If you don’t get your periods for a year or so- then it is officially menopause season. After that, it is called postmenopause – where you won’t have symptoms and you will feel much better. But, some ladies may still have to deal with a few scattered symptoms here and there, but they won’t be very intense.
Menopause can seem and feel) like a long, arduous journey for many women- but the end of having periods every month can be a prospect to look forward to- more often than not. This is especially true if they have very intense pain or other issues to deal with often. Menopause occurs after perimenopause, which can begin about a decade earlier. Some women may get menopausal much earlier than in their 40s and this can be troublesome- if they are trying to conceive later on. The huge reduction in hormones can make women more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis, cognitive decline, heart disease, change in fat deposition, cholesterolemia etc. Making changes to your daily routine can hence help you stay focused- because you won’t be menopausal forever!