Avoid These 7 Fruits on an Empty Stomach: What you Need to Know
Fruits are chock full of nutrients- vitamins, minerals and soluble fibre (when not juiced or processed to death) and they are super tasty too. What a treat! Many of us assume that eating fruits first thing in the morning or after fasting for a while is a good idea because it is a seemingly ‘healthy’ option. Let us learn why it is not a wise choice.
What Fruits should not be Eaten on an Empty Stomach-
Here are 7 common fruits that you need to AVOID eating first thing in the morning or on an empty stomach.
- It is winter now, so some of the most commonly available fruits are oranges, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits- which are very good when eaten in moderation as they have lots of citric acid or Vitamin C in them. But they are pretty acidic and can irritate the stomach lining intensely, if you eat them first thing in the morning. It can get pretty uncomfortable for some folks who have to deal with gastritis or acid reflux.
- Apples are ever present almost everywhere. An apple a day does help in keeping the doctor away but not when you eat it after a long fast. Apples have lots of fibre in them, which can again cause discomfort like bloating and indigestion, because it can be annoying for the stomach lining to process. It is also pretty high in fructose, which means you may have to deal with a sugar spike and then a crash afterwards.
- Same story as citrus fruits when it comes to grapes- even if they are sweet. They are slightly acidic and have lots of fibre. It can also cause a blood glucose level spike, leaving you feeling irritable and hungry very soon.
- Papaya is a great option to eat after a meal but NOT after a long fast. If you have a sensitive tummy, then stay away as the papain can cause bloating and discomfort in some folk.
- Watermelons, muskmelons and honeydew melons are amazing sweet treats but they can cause your blood glucose levels to spike very quickly, when eaten in large quantities. They also have a lot of water content in them, which can again mess with the stomach acid pH.
- Bananas are bad when eaten after a fast because they have large amounts of electrolytes like potassium, magnesium and sugars too. They can cause cardiac issues in folks with heart problems.
- Raw mangoes- we all love kaccha mango in its real form and tend to binge eat it in the form of curries, pickles. They are tangy and taste great because of the Vitamin C content. This can cause acidity and related issues.
Now let us learn when we CAN eat them. But, moderation is still the key for good health.
Why Some Fruits are Bad to Eat Without Other Food-
- Citrus fruits are best if you juice them and eat them after a light meal. This way it is not that acidic. You can also have it with toast, oats, parathas etc.
- Apples should be eaten with breakfast- like an egg sandwich, egg and upma, dal chilla or adai or pesarattu. These will help combat the acidic content. You can also eat them as a snack- no issue then.
- Grapes and melons are super high in fructose and natural sugar content- so you shouldn’t eat a lot of them. You should however eat them with other slow-digesting, protein rich foods so that there is no annoying glucose spike to deal with.
- Papaya can be eaten with oatmeal or other gentle or bland food options. But eating after a meal is the best and safest way to enjoy it.
- Bananas can cause a glucose spike, so you should eat it with some peanut butter in a sandwich or as a smoothie that has yoghurt and berries.
- With mangoes, we suggest that you remain patient and enjoy them when they are ripe. They do taste sweet and yummy that way.
What we are essentially trying to say is apart from eating the right stuff, you need to be smart and time them right too. We are not talking about spacing meals in this context. It is just that after the night’s fast, your blood glucose levels are on the lower end – causing you to feel rather ravenous. When you load up on fruits in the morning, you risk causing a spike in glucose levels, which will eventually lead to a crash in some time, leaving you feeling lethargic and hungry again, real soon.