How to Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles: Proven Anti-Aging Strategies
Google the word ‘wrinkles’ and you will instantly be bombarded with ads of anti-ageing creams which all promise to make you look younger and better in no time. Some brands advertise such expensive creams and skin serums, you wonder about having to purchase them with EMIs or cutting down on other daily necessities- just for a chance to look younger and better for a little more time. No one wants wrinkles or crows feet to show on their face. Shiny, dewy, glass skin is here to stay, thanks to our favourite pop idols or actors and actresses who manage to look better with each passing year. A major issue we all face as we grow older is the appearance of wrinkles on our skin- especially in the face and neck regions. Let us learn why they happen and what you can do to help keep them away for as long as possible, without resorting to physical removal by surgery.
Proven Anti-Aging Treatments For Reducing Wrinkles
We Indians have Ayurveda to cling to, for help relating to skincare and healthcare in general. Wrinkles are these very fine lines that can form on your skin over many years, due to frowning and laughing, exposure to sun, the elements and ageing. We also don’t pay a lot of attention to what we eat and drink and this can further worsen skin quality. Pollution and smoke are major issues as well. Though wrinkles are a naturally occurring deal which need no intervention, it can make you look and feel less confident than before. This is when you should consult a dermatologist, who will help you with advice on what creams and serums to use and which ingredients to focus on for the best results.
We have so many ingredients locally available, which can provide amazing results- brighter and more supple looking skin, lesser wrinkles and they are saffron, aloe vera, vetiver, lotus extracts, rice water, kojic acid, grape extracts and various plant extracts and oils which have regenerative properties. Treatments these days involve the usage of stronger creams that contain retinol, Vitamin C and E, ceramides, hyaluronic acid etc. which are all naturally found in the skin and help retain its elasticity, dewyness, appearance, reduction of spots and other related concerns.
Top Anti-Aging Skincare Tips For Wrinkle Prevention
Here are our top 10 tips to help you reduce wrinkles. Take your pick:
- The sun is NOT a friend, so use sunscreens religiously.
- If you are someone who frowns a lot, try not to do so. Smiling or laughing can cause laugh lines too. In fact, any facial expression that you tend to repeat often can cause lines.
- Invest in good skincare products that have mild ingredients.
- Start skincare early- don’t wait till you are over 40 years of age to begin. 25 onwards is a good bet as you will start to lose skin elasticity and building blocks do not form that often when you are 30 years of age.
- You should always use a moisturiser on damp skin, as soon as you have had a bath or shower. This will help seal in moisture into your skin.
- If you use hyaluronic acid serums, then ensure you do so on damp skin as HA has this property of taking in moisture from the environment. If you apply HA on dry skin, then it will make your skin drier as it will draw moisture out towards itself.
- If you use retinol related products, then use them only at night as exposure to sunlight can make your skin sensitive. Retinols are strong and can cause purging of skin for the first few weeks. so , talk to a doctor to understand which dosage will be appropriate for you.
- Do not exfoliate too hard.
- Using make up is not the issue but removing them before you go to bed is very important.
- Try to sleep on pillow covers that will not crease your face- like satin or silk. Cotton can dry your skin out and leave it feeling drier than before.
Lifestyle Changes To Slow Down Skin Ageing And Wrinkles
Sure, we have given you skincare tips above, but the routine you follow everyday matters a lot too! Here are our top areas of focus for your consideration:
- You should worry about what you eat and drink- so try to eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.
- You may notice skincare issues flaring up when you eat the wrong kinds of food or have hormonal differences. So, plan accordingly.
- You should aim to get some amount of physical activity everyday, to improve blood circulation. The workout high is a nice added bonus afterwards right? Not to mention the faint rosy glow, which can look very pretty and natural.
- Aim to get at least 8-10 hours of sleep every night. Your skin works super hard every day and keeps you disease free and looking good always. Give it the rest it deserves.
- You should wash your face everyday with a gentle cleanser. Leaving sweat on is not a great idea.
Skincare is important because it will keep you healthy and confident in the long run. You feel better when you look good, right? To do that, you will need to take care of your skin and not just leave it as is. Wrinkles can throw a spanner in your looks and make you feel much older than you are. They are unflattering and just plain annoying. But, they cannot go away forever as we do tend to age slowly. There are some more potent treatments like botox injections or even laser correction but these may seem too extreme and expensive for the common man to worry about. Ultimately, skin care is highly dependent on your budget, your needs and the amount of time you are ready to dedicate to it. So, are you ready to commit to wrinkle free and youthful looking skin starting today? Ofcourse, we know you are!