Iron Deficiency: Recognize the Symptoms and Find Effective Treatments

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Iron Deficiency: Recognize the Symptoms and Find Effective Treatments

Iron Deficiency: Recognize the Symptoms and Find Effective Treatments

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22 January, 2025
Iron Deficiency: Recognize the Symptoms and Find Effective Treatments

Iron is an important mineral that is needed to make haemoglobin- the red-coloured pigment found in blood and helps transport oxygen and carbon dioxide all over the body. It is normally gotten from foods eaten daily, but sometimes, we may eat well and still have a deficiency. The daily requirement for iron changes with age and it is highest for menstruating women who are in the reproductive ages of 19-50 years. High doses can be toxic and cause other problems for you, so it is important to be mindful of how much iron you consume. Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is highly prevalent in India- with over 57% of women and 25% of men suffering from this condition. It is also very high in young children.

What Causes Low Iron Levels In The Body

This may be due to an underlying condition like gut issues, pregnancy and breastfeeding, bariatric surgery, if you are a blood donor, not having enough reserves of Vitamin C to help with absorption or not consuming enough iron-rich foods etc. Chronic deficiency of iron can cause anaemia which can lead to fatigue and other symptoms. Iron is needed to synthesise haemoglobin – the red pigment that binds oxygen and carbon dioxide to itself for transport in the body. If there is less iron, there is less hemoglobin too, which means less oxygen and more tiredness for you.

There are 3 different stages of severity associated with this condition-

  • First– Where iron reserves in the body decrease, but you are asymptomatic.
  • Second– Your bone marrow tries to compensate by making more red blood cells, but they will not have enough haemoglobin in them.
  • Third– The last stage where your Hb levels are low and you begin to show symptoms of IDA. 

Early Signs And Symptoms Of Iron Deficiency Anaemia

Let us look at the symptoms associated with IDA-

  • You may feel very tired all the time
  • You may have muscle cramps and be irritable
  • Pale skin is observed
  • You may have the urge to eat non-edible stuff like paper, starch etc. – also called pica
  • You will be short of breath with very little movement too.
  • Sore feeling tongue
  • You may have a higher than usual heart rate
  • Spoon shaped nails on your fingers and toes are common with this condition.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiencies take at least 2 months or much longer to resolve, with improvements in diet and supplementation. There are some side effects though- constipation, muscle cramps, diarrhoea, looking darker than usual and having darker coloured stools than normal. Plus, iron absorption is poor if you take it after a meal and your stomach is full. You may be given intravenous infusions if needed and if that is the case, you will feel better much sooner than with capsules alone.


There is a major difference between iron deficiency and anaemia- anaemia by itself may be a congenital defect mostly but iron deficiency can cause anaemia too. You can get better with iron supplements though severe anaemia is often treated with blood transfusions. Deficiencies are mostly preventable if you put some effort into meal planning. Iron deficiency is normally diagnosed with simple blood tests which check for ferritin (a protein that binds iron to itself) and Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC). Talk to your doctor if you are feeling very tired or have any other symptoms mentioned above, so you can get treated promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main causes of iron deficiency in women?
Women are more prone to suffering from iron deficiency as they have to deal with monthly periods which may be too heavy and cause blood loss. They may also lose blood after childbirth.
What foods are best for increasing iron levels naturally?
Iron rich foods include beans, meat, fruits like pomegranate, beetroot, raisins, cereals, fresh greens like moringa and amaranth leaves, dried nuts like walnuts, pistachios, almonds etc. Eat them everyday – especially produce in multiple servings and also make sure to consume some Vitamin C rich foods like lemon juice, citrus fruits to help in absorption of iron by the gut.
Can iron deficiency cause fatigue and weakness?
Yes, you may look pale, feel tired even after sleeping well and wheeze with intense levels of physical activity. This is because RBCs need iron to form well and work better. You may also face general weakness, issues with hairfall and texture and have weird cravings for ice or starch or dirt.
What are the best supplements for treating iron deficiency?
Iron supplements can be taken if your iron levels are too low. Also, make sure to take Vitamin C rich foods or supplements to help with iron absorption. Some people may not do well with supplementation,so talk to your doctor before you add anything to your list of medications.
Can iron deficiency lead to hair loss and brittle nails?
Yes, iron deficiency can lead to thinning hair, rough or limp hair texture and thinning nails which can break away easily.

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