Is World Arthritis Day- Painless Movement is Necessary Perfection
Arthritis is termed a rheumatological disorder and there are many kinds too. The symptoms however are spread out over a similar spectrum- extreme pain during movement, stiff joints, not being able to balance body weight properly, swollen joints and life is just creaky and painful in general. This condition affects almost 40% or less of the Indian population, with varying degrees of severity. Though there are many therapeutic approaches available which aim to address the symptomatic aspect of this disorder- the pain, there is unfortunately no cure available yet. People who have lived with this condition for many years can tell you that life feels excruciatingly slow and painful for them. Battling this condition can take a toll on their mental health too. This is why flashing a spotlight on this condition every year makes absolute sense, though the themes may vary. This just means that the disease has different aspects for us to consider.
Why Is Celebrating World Arthritis Day Important?
The primary objective of this annual celebration is to ensure people all over the world know when and how to look for the signs of arthritis in its different forms and can then get help as quickly as possible. The earlier you catch it, the better are your chances of managing disease progression over the next few years. Contrary to popular belief, not moving your body because of pain can be counterintuitive. So, now the right technique and the right moves matter because they can help you preserve whatever range of motion you have left and reduce pain if possible. This year, the theme is this- ‘Informed Choices lead to Better Outcomes’, which ties in very seamlessly to this whole purpose.
Why Is This Day Important In The Indian Context?
More women get affected by connective tissue disorders than men due to general anatomical quirks and marked hormonal shifts, among other possible factors. In India, doctors see millions of individuals suffering from gout, spondylitis, lupus and autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, apart from general ageing related issues. Getting in touch with the right orthopaedic expert can greatly help you in the quest for a pain-free experience. Indians are increasingly becoming very sedentary and we are not eating as well as we should all be, which can all lead to lifestyle disorders affecting us more than usual.
We need to understand that proper movement is one of the ways to really manage pain due to arthritis. It may feel impossible to do so, but getting proper physical therapy or surgery can really change your prognosis for the better- and also give you a chance to manage your life in better ways than before. So, do not ignore your symptoms, keep a close watch on them and get the help you need immediately. No procrastinating, period!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is regular physical activity good if I have arthritis?
What exercises are fine to do if I am arthritic?
Who organises World Arthritis Day every year?
Are there any home remedies which work for the pain?
What can be done if pain is unbearable?