Do You Turn Into A Contortionist While Asleep? Stop Right Now!

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sleeping postures to avoid for osteoporosis

Do You Turn Into A Contortionist While Asleep? Stop Right Now!

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23 July, 2024

National Doctor's Day
Posture is a word all of us understand- it is the way we sit or sleep. We are told to keep our back straight while sitting, but how many of us actually do that? It is easier to slouch and go about our life, so that is what we mostly do. This can place massive stress on the spine, in the long term, and this wear and tear gets exacerbated when you don’t sleep right. We are not asking you to sleep straight, like a drill sergeant at attention, but we do request you to be mindful when you change positions through the night while sleeping. Sleep is restorative in function, but if you wake up feeling stiff or are in pain, then it is time you take a closer look at how you sleep.

How Sleeping Position Affects Bone Density

Did you know that not sleeping in the right way can increase the incidence of an individual getting osteoporosis? Yes, that’s right. Let us look at some common positions we assume when we sleep:

  • Fetal position: lying curled up to one side
  • On the stomach
  • Sleeping on the tummy with one leg folded up and the other straight – feels great, but places maximum stress on spinal alignment.
  • Sleeping on the side with the legs folded to varying degrees etc.

The optimal positions are those which help retain spinal alignment, and so the following positions are generally considered best:

  • Sleeping on your side or back is healthy
  • Don’t sleep on your tummy for too long
  • Sleeping on your side is good- left side ensures you don’t get heartburn
  • Sleeping on the back is a good choice for when you have a stuffy nose or back pain.

How Sleep Affects Bone Health And Can Lead To Osteoporosis

Sleep is a biological need that is restorative in function, as mentioned earlier. It gives our body a chance to slow down and heal. Let us look at why the various positions matter:

Sleeping on the back

  • The pros: You tend to distribute body weight more evenly. Good for pain or a blocked nose.
  • The cons: Pregnant women cannot sleep on their backs. Can increase chances of acid reflux. You may snore or deal with apnea if you sleep on your back. So here, sleeping on the side is best.

Side sleepers

  • The pros: Best for spine alignment maintenance. But ensure you keep your legs in a straight manner, or you make way up with a sore neck the next day. This is also recommended if someone is pregnant. Ensure you keep a pillow between your legs when you sleep and you are all set.
  • The cons: If you want to stay wrinkle-free for as long as possible, then sleeping on your side is NOT your friend here. It is also bad if you have a painful shoulder. Sleeping on the right side, especially when pregnant, can increase reflux. Keep pillows on either side so you are balanced.

Sleeping on the tummy

Avoid doing so as much as possible, as you turn your head to one side to breathe, messing up the spinal alignment big time. If you are a pro-tummy sleeper all the way, then try not to use a pillow at all, or a very thin one. This will ensure your spine is straight. Sleep on a firm mattress.


Sleeping in the right position is paramount to waking up refreshed and pain-less the next morning. Invest in a good quality pillow and mattress. Keep your linens clean, to prevent allergies. Experimenting with pillows and different positions should help you figure out what is good for you. Ultimately, the best position is the one you sleep best in. So, nighty night, mate!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, restful sleep can help prevent osteoporosis and improve muscle health. Hormonal balance is also taken care of. All of these factors play a great influence on the skeletal system.

Dr. P. Murahari

Dr. P. Murahari

Consultant Spine Surgeon

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