Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Daily: Is It Really Necessary For You?

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Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Daily: Is It Really Necessary For You?

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Daily: Is It Really Necessary For You?

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24 January, 2025

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Daily: Is It Really Necessary For You?

The Citrus limon or the common lemon as we all know is indigenous to India and has been grown for centuries. It is used in everything- from pickles, as a condiment, for juices and sherbets and for the zesty skin which smells amazing and gives a refreshing aroma. What if we told you that lemons are good for you and that when life gives you lemons- you shouldn’t feel bad about it, but just go ahead and enjoy it in various forms- the easiest being lemon water. Drinking warm lemon water with honey has been touted to do wonders for your skin and digestive health. But, what about the other ‘so-called benefits’?

Does Lemon Water Detox The Body Naturally

The liver is the largest organ in the body which is responsible for ensuring that all toxic by-products are broken down to harmless compounds, with the help of highly specialised cells that work using specific pathways. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C – which means they can help cells perform better by reducing the production of free radicals. But, no, lemon water does NOT help your liver work better than any other fruit or vegetable that you eat normally. So, if you think having lots of lemon water would help you ‘detox’, you are wrong.

How To Make Lemon Water For Health Benefits

You literally just need to squeeze some lemon juice into water for lemon water. If you throw in the rind and eat it, then you may probably get some fibre, but it is still going to be negligible. If you dislike how plain water tastes and have a hard time staying hydrated, then yes- using lemon as a flavouring agent is the way to go. Apart from the Vitamin C, there is not a lot of nutrients that can be derived from it.

How Lemon Water Helps With Digestion And Weight Loss

Lemons have plenty of soluble pectin which is a good source of fibre for you which will leave you feeling full for longer, but let’s be honest- how many of us go around, eating whole lemons? Plus, when you squeeze the juice out, you are not getting any fibre into that water. Let us put it in another way- if you have always liked drinking soda or sugary fruit juices, then yes- lemon water is a better alternative- as there are no artificial sweeteners involved. This by itself is a great measure you can take to start losing weight. Plus, we all know that losing weight involves effort, commitment and making sustainable changes to your diet, exercise and lifestyle in general.

Benefits Of Lemon Water For Kidney Stones Prevention

Some studies have shown that lemon juice may be good for fighting against kidney stones because the Vitamin C from it is a good diuretic- meaning more urine is produced. But, there is no solid evidence to support this. Plus, it also depends on how much lemon you squeeze into the water- and having very sour juice is not particularly very appetising.


We will however tell you what lemon water is good for- it will help your gut absorb iron better from the food you consume. There are some side effects of drinking too much lemon water that you need to be aware of- you may damage your teeth because of overexposure to acidic foods and can also increase reflux with individuals who already suffer from it. Some of you may also get a bad headache due to the tyramine present in citrus fruits- if you have had too much to eat or drink that is. The main takeaway is that lemon water by itself won’t help cure cancer or help you lose weight, but the Vitamin C is good for you. Talking to your doctor about any issues you may be having is better than trying something very new and you ditching it because it is too much for you to handle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main health benefits of drinking lemon water daily?
The extra Vitamin C you get is good for your skin because more collagen is made, better for iron absorption and it tastes great.
Is it better to drink lemon water warm or cold?
You can drink it either way, but cooler temperatures are best as Vitamin C can get destroyed when exposed to heat. Plus, your juice or water may taste bitter instead of being tangy.
How much lemon should I add to my water for the best results?
The juice of about half a lemon in a glass of water is more than enough, as too much can give you acidity or harm your teeth in the long term.
Is lemon water safe for people with acid reflux or sensitive stomachs?
No, lemon water on an empty stomach is a bad idea for people with sensitive tummies. You could have some after a meal as it may help with digestion.
Can lemon water replace plain water for hydration?
Nope, you can’t keep guzzling litres of lemon water everyday because you may get issues from it. This will never happen with plain, normal water. But, if you’d like to just change things up, then having some lemon water everyday is a good idea.

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