How to Tell If Your Low Blood Pressure Is Dangerously Low?
Recognizing The Symptoms Of Dangerously Low Blood Pressure
Let us first try to learn about the subtle signs and symptoms associated with hypotension, before going to possible causes. Some common signs include-
- People tend to faint very often or get dizzy very easily
- You are tired almost always
- Your vision may be hampered
- You may not be able to concentrate or get any work done
- You may be dealing with an upset tummy
- You may feel very sleepy all the time
When there is even a 20 mm/Hg fall in pressure, you can get real dizzy, very fast. When there is a drastic drop in blood pressure, it is called ‘shock’. This can lead to a person feeling clammy or cold, pallor of skin, quick breathing, thready or weak pulse rate and even confusion in older folk.
Understanding The Causes Of Severe Hypotension
Hypotension is mostly a side effect of some other underlying medical condition, but some of the most common causes include the following.
- Postural hypotension or orthostatic hypotension- You may get dizzy when you decide to get up quickly- after sitting for a while or a nap. This may be a common issue during pregnancy, dehydration and even when the person has been bed-ridden for a while.
- Hypotension after eating a meal– also called postprandial hypotension is observed about a couple hours after eating food and it normally affects people who have high blood pressure. Here is where the doctor may suggest you make some lifestyle changes to feel better.
- Neurally mediated hypotension– affects young adults and kids when they stand for very long hours and then decide to rest.
- A condition of the autonomic nervous system with multiple system atrophy- also called Shy-Drager syndrome. This is when the person has very high blood pressure even while lying down.
- Some prescribed medications may also cause hypotension- like diuretics, antidepressants, painkillers etc.
- Alcohol is a major dehydrating agent and depresses the nervous system- causing low blood pressure
- If you have heart arrhythmias, failure or neuropathy in the long run, then you may suffer from hypotension.
- A severe infection or allergic reaction can cause hypotension.
- Bad food choices with no Vitamin B12, folate, iron etc can cause anaemia, which can lead to low pressure in the long run.
How To Monitor Blood Pressure Levels At Home-
You can take blood pressure readings at home if you have the instrument available. But remember these pointers, so you get accurate readings-
- Sit straight in a chair and rest for a while before putting the cuff on.
- No caffeine at least 30 minutes before taking the reading. You should also pee and NOT take values with a full bladder.
- Take 2-3 readings, one minute apart in the mornings and evenings.
- Note them down and show them to the doctor when you visit in the future.
- Put the cuff on your arm and NOT on the sleeve.
Trivia- sort of- the instrument used is called a ‘sphygmomanometer’. Now, try to say it aloud, quick!
Lifestyle Changes to Manage Hypotension Effectively
Making long term changes to your daily routine is a great way to stay safe-
- Not drinking any alcohol and hydrating well every day is a good thing
- You should eat small meals at properly spaced intervals. Very heavy meals may cause a drop in pressure and that is not good.
- Exercise everyday for 30 minutes each.
- Try not to stand up or get off the bed very quickly. Do it steadily. This will help with posture-associated issues.
- Sleep with extra pillows.
- You can try to use compression stockings so that blood does not pool in your legs.
- Don’t have too much coffee or tea.
We have given you a list of doable hacks and also told you how to prevent fainting due to low blood pressure, in the previous sections. Low blood pressure can be a dangerous condition to have. If you think your values are on the lower end consistently, then you should go to a doctor. You may be totally fine and not need treatment at all, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Get health assessments done regularly. You should also understand that blood pressure is not a static value but keeps changing in a day.