Vital Signs Explained: Normal Ranges and Easy Ways to Track Them

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Vital Signs Explained: Normal Ranges and Easy Ways to Track Them

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23 January, 2025

Vital Signs Explained: Normal Ranges and Easy Ways to Track Them

All of us have watched this scene in medical dramas- someone is bringing an injured person into the ER, when a doctor screams- take their vitals! Then, a nurse quickly takes measurements and rattles them off for assessment. Have you wondered what those values are? They are called the ‘vital signs’ which give a doctor some vital information about how your health is at that point of time- and the 4 signs that are assessed are – heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate and body temperature respectively. They can be measured using specific devices.

Why Are Vital Signs Important For Health Monitoring?

The important thing to remember is that all these vital signs have ranges which have well defined values. Readings that show up within the range are considered normal, while lower or higher than average ones can be cause for concern. They are measured using specialised instruments called medical devices. Let us learn more about the devices and issues observed when values are not within range-

  • Body temperature can be measured with a thermometer- either orally, on the forehead, under the armpit, at the rectum or by the ear. The range for normal body temperature is 95-98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Any lower or higher is considered abnormal. Higher temperatures mean hyperthermia while low temperatures cause hypothermia.
  • Heart rate or the pulse is the number of times your heart beats to pump blood all over your body, per minute. The normal range is 60-100 beats per minute and it can vary depending on a number of factors like physical activity, injury, emotional conflicts etc. Some people may have really low values like 40 beats per minute, but still be totally fine. The strength of the pulse measured is also important- if it is prominently felt at the skin or is weak. You can easily check your pulse by measuring the number of beats at the wrist, using your forefinger and middle finger, by pressing down firmly till you feel the arteries move.
  • The respiration rate is the number of times you breathe in and out per minute. For most of us, it is between 12-18 breaths per minute. It may be higher when you have a fever, or some other underlying medical condition, like a heart or lung problem.
  • Blood pressure is the last one and it measures the amount of force the arterial walls exert, while pulsating and pumping blood all over the body. It is dependent on the motion of the heart- there are two values you need to note down- the systolic and the diastolic pressures, respectively. The diastolic pressure is the lowest value, when the heart is at rest and relaxed while the systolic value is taken when the heart is beating or contracting.  Normal means values need to be lower than 120/80 mm/Hg. Elevated- above 120 – 129 and 80 or below diastolic pressure. Stage 1 is 130-139 systolic and 80-89 diastolic units while Stage 2 is when systolic is higher than 140, with diastolic above 90. You will need to take 3 sets of readings spread over 10 minutes and if most of the values are higher, then you may need to talk to a doctor. Low blood pressure can be dangerous, but may still be normal for people who have no risk factors and other comorbidities. It is measured using a sphygmomanometer.

Tips For Keeping Your Vital Signs Within Normal Range

You can measure the vital signs at home if you have the devices available. For the values to be within range, ensure you sleep well, eat and exercise properly and then take values at appropriate times. This can mean following some of the rules mentioned below-

  • Not eating at least 30 minutes before taking blood pressure values
  • Peeing and NOT drinking coffee too can help give you more accurate readings.
  • You can check the pulse and respiratory rate by yourself – you just need a watch and to concentrate enough to count the number of heart beats and breaths per minute. Check both parameters when you are resting.


Many doctors and nurses will tell you that blood pressure is not a vital sign, but it is still measured as the values are different when you lie down vs. when you are upright. You need to ensure that the instruments you use are of good quality and are properly calibrated. Thermometers have mercury in them, so be careful when you keep the bulb under your tongue. The cuff size is important for blood pressure readings. These vital signs can change when you have a fever, are dehydrated, have autoimmune disorders or fluctuate due to hormonal changes. Children have different ranges for each of these parameters.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four main vital signs and their normal ranges?
The 4 main vital signs are blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and rate of respiration respectively.
What devices can I use to measure my vital signs accurately?
You should use a thermometer to measure body temperature, a manometer for BP, heart rate monitors for pulse and respiratory rate monitors for number of breaths per minute.Wearing a smart watch should help you conveniently.
When should I be concerned about abnormal vital signs?
If you notice any values below or above range, then you should go talk to your doctor. It is also important to check if you are able to breathe freely or have any other issues.
Can stress or anxiety impact my vital signs?
Yes, they can increase heart rate, BP, and respiration rate. Some people have high BP values when they go to a doctor, but are totally normal at home. This is called white collar syndrome. So, don’t get stressed about having a check up.
Are there any apps that help monitor vital signs easily?
Most of us wear smartwatches these days which have their own proprietary apps. Some examples include Vital signs, Ace vitals etc.

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