Say Goodbye to Bloating: Quick Relief Tips and Long-Term Solutions

Bloating is this uncomfortably full feeling you develop after eating a meal, or it may also happen before you even eat, causing you to eat less and feel full way sooner than usual. It is mainly caused due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines – when you are constipated. One of the main reasons for constipation is not just hydrating less or eating less fibre, but also when you don’t poop when you have the urge and instead control it. If you are not able to feel comfortable after pooping and still have the nagging feeling that you have unfinished business, then the millions of bacteria in your gut have more time to ferment and break down the fecal matter, causing more gas to be produced. More women face bloating than men, because inflamed uterus or ovaries can also cause bloating in some cases. The most important thing to understand is – bloating is highly dependent on diet and is mostly preventable.
How To Prevent Bloating During The Day
Bloating is highly preventable, if you identify triggers and then actively work to NOT get exposed to them. Apart from the different foods you should NOT eat, these are some measures you can use to alleviate bloating during the day-
- Eating meals at regular times. They should not be too light or too heavy- just right. Being mindful of what and how much you eat is very crucial. Including probiotic or fermented foods will ensure that good bacteria help you.
- You should eat slowly and try not to swallow too much air by chewing on bubblegum or eating too quickly.
- Drinking anything with a straw may be great for the pearly whites, but they are bad for your gut- too much air will enter.
- You should aim to exercise for about an hour everyday- walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling- whatever you prefer. Staying active is important for the bowel muscles to work normally.
Foods That Cause Bloating And How To Avoid Them
Since your diet is the main component causing you to feel gassy, let us look at the food groups you need to actively avoid or eat very less of, below-
- Gluten like wheat and veggies like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, garlic, dals and beans- they are full of oligosaccharides which may not be easily digested by some individuals, which means the small intestine will just pass them down to the colon, where it sits, ferments and produces gas.
- Some people may face bloating issues when they are lactose intolerant- so go easy on dairy products like ice cream, milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc, as they contain disaccharides.
- Some fruits like pears, apples and honey are rich in monosaccharides like fructose- so they may trigger bloating.
- Sugar alcohols found in cauliflower, plums, apricots etc. can also be suspects.
These are termed FODMAP rich foods- fermentable oligosaccharides,disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are essentially sources of carbohydrates for us. When you eat less of these, your symptoms will automatically get better. Plus, most of these symptoms mimic those found in IBS- which is why if you have chronic bloating, it is important to get medical help without too much delay.