Warning Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumours and Brain Damage

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Warning Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumours and Brain Damage

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumours and Brain Damage

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08 January, 2025

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumours and Brain Damage

Imagine this scenario- a person has an accident and injures their head. They suffer from a set of specific symptoms while another person is diagnosed with a brain tumour. When you talk to them about the signs and symptoms they noticed at first, which prompted them to get medical help, they may tell you that they all seemed pretty similar. This is the main thing to remember and why getting help at the right time matters so much. Since the symptoms associated with any kind of injury or change to brain tissue can be so close, diagnosis becomes a painstakingly important process. Let us look at some early warning signs of brain tumours in adults and see if there are any major differences between brain tumours and brain injury symptoms.

Neurological Signs of Brain Tumours and Damage-

Brain tumours are caused when there is an uncontrolled growth of specific cells like glia or neuronal cells, those which make CSF (ependymal cells), meninges or hormone-synthesising cells. The mass of cells formed is called a tumour, which may be benign which means it will not spread at all in any way or malignant- which means it can spread and wreak havoc over time. A general rule of thumb is that malignant tumours cause symptoms to appear quickly when compared to benign ones which may be asymptomatic for many years.

Brain injury on the other hand is also called traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is caused when you get injured due to a fall or have an accident where you hit your head really hard. Brain injury is also observed when someone drowns, is choked or has an infection or if an individual is exposed to poisonous substances. They are classified into 3 types- mild, moderate and severe respectively.

The chest pain is because there is less (or nil) blood flow to certain parts of the heart. Cardiac muscles which are highly specialised require lots of oxygen to work well. When they don’t get enough, they may begin to die, which is what manifests as physical pain or tightness in the first place. This symptom is common for everyone, but women may face slightly different symptoms, when compared to men.

The symptoms for a brain tumour may include the following-

  • You may have a severe headache that seems to get worse over time, even if it begins in the morning. 
  • You may be really tired and feel nauseous because of how intense the headache is
  • You may feel numbness in one of your limbs
  • You may not be able to walk in a straight line and hence have issues with balance
  • You may have slurred speech
  • You could have memory-related issues
  • You may have seizures at times, though they may be idiopathic in origin 
  • You may have issues with controlling your appetite

The symptoms for a TBI are on the same lines, but there are a few subtle differences you should know about-

  • You may face a few ones from above but also have a ringing in your ears
  • You may not be able to stay conscious for a few seconds at a time
  • You may have a wild mood swing 
  • You could have issues falling asleep or sleep too much

With TBI, there are Some Physical Signs that you can Observe-

  • One pupil may be blown or completely dilated while the other is responsive
  • You may have CSF or clear fluid leaking from your nose or ears
  • You may not be able to wake up if you fall asleep
  • You may feel very clumsy and less coordinated with respect to movement
  • You may vomit after getting injured

These signs and symptoms are almost the same in children too.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if headaches are a sign of a brain tumour?
If your headaches seem to make life miserable and seem to get worse every time they come on, if you feel really tired or nauseous and have issues with your vision, and memory, then you should consult a doctor ASAP. It may not necessarily be a tumour, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. Tumours are characterised by having issues with behaviour, hearing, gait problems and even seizures at times.
How do brain tumours and brain injuries differ in symptoms?
Brain injury can cause neurological symptoms like fluid leakage, limb weakness, not being able to walk normally or seizures. But brain tumours can also have similar symptoms. This is why getting the right diagnosis at the right time matters so much.
What should I do if I suspect brain damage in someone?
If you think someone is not doing well because they have hit their head hard against a surface, had a fall or even sports injuries, then you should take them to emergency care immediately. If you notice that they are unresponsive, then doing CPR or using first aid measures can help.
Can changes in behaviour indicate brain damage or a tumour?
The short answer is yes, it can but the long answer is, that the severity of brain damage depends on how extensive the injury or tumour is, where it is located and various other factors. Doctors take them all into careful consideration before zeroing in on the correct diagnosis.
Can dizziness and vision problems signal a brain tumour or damage?
Yes, having issues with vision and balance may mean that you have some problem that needs to be checked out immediately.

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