What Is the Ideal Age for Plastic Surgery? Myths and Facts
Plastic surgery has one simple goal- to help you look and feel better about yourself. You may not like the way your nose or chin looks, hate the fact that you seem to be piling on the kilos on your belly and can’t seem to fit into any older clothes or any number of such issues- that may be of an aesthetic nature. But it is a necessity for people born with congenital defects like cleft lips, birthmarks etc. When is the right time to get surgery done? Is it absolutely necessary? Don’t I deserve to change how I look or feel about myself?- if these are some of your questions, read on and understand why getting surgery at the right time matters.
How Age Affects Outcomes In Plastic Surgery: Myths vs. Facts
Myth 1– The older you are, the harder it is to get through surgery.
Fact 1– Wrong! If your overall health is good, then you can expect to have similar outcomes when compared to someone younger, even if you are above 60 years of age.
Myth 2– Only women are allowed to be more bothered about how they look.
Fact 2- This observation is downright sexist in our opinion and it is wrong too. Over 25% of men opt for procedures like breast reduction, rhinoplasty, liposuction to get rid of fat, hair transplants, botox or fillers, abs sculpting and tummy tucks, among other specific requests, in India according to recent surveys.
Myth 3- You always look very unnatural if you get plastic surgery.
Fact 3- Wrong again! The surgeon can give you a natural finish if you try not to change something too much.
Minimum Age Requirements For Different Plastic Surgeries
The main thing to consider when you decide to get elective surgery is this- the part of the body should ideally have fully developed and stopped growing. So, that means some parts of the body stop growing much earlier than others, like the ear for example. Facial structures are mostly all done by 15-17 years of age. So, rhinoplasties can be done around this time. You will also be recommended a rhinoplasty if you have a deviated septum. Breast reductions are good when done before 18 years of age and provide the best looking results afterwards. In young children, otoplasty can be done as soon as they turn 5 years of age.
For other procedures like liposuction, treating gynecomastia in men, breast augmentation or reduction- most individuals seem to get them done between the 35-50 age bracket. You will also need to take good care of yourself, before and after surgery.
How Young Is Too Young For Cosmetic Surgery?
India has strict laws about getting elective plastic surgery and wants someone to be at least 18 years of age. But if the person needs reconstructive surgery earlier, then that is done without any restriction. Gynecomastia is a very popular procedure performed on teenage boys. In Korea, eyelid surgeries are super popular as soon as kids turn 16. So, yes, considerations change with every country but the main reason as to why you need surgery done is the most important.
The reason for getting surgery is always important. If you genuinely think it is affecting your life, then you should get a consultation but if someone else is trying to influence you into getting it done, then it is time to step back and evaluate those reasons very closely. You can’t opt for a breast augmentation just because your partner likes bigger boobs. That seems like a very unreasonable physical expectation in the first place. The other thing- age does play an important role because skin properties like elasticity change. So, you shouldn’t walk into a clinic and place demands that can not be met satisfactorily. Would you still get elective surgery? If yes, then why? If no, then why not?