Don’t Ignore the Signs: Spot Vitamin Deficiencies and Strengthen Your Health
There are many vitamins that we know of and need even more- as they fulfil a variety of functions in our body- they help with enzymatic reactions, keep cells healthy, prevent damage due to free radical production and are essential for your body to work properly, everyday. We all know that vitamins are of two types, based on solubility- water and fat soluble vitamins respectively. Vitamins A, D, E and K while water soluble vitamins are B group and C. They are further grouped into essential and non-essential vitamins. Some vitamins can be synthesised in your body, while others come from the diet alone. You may deal with deficiencies if you eat a diet that is poorly designed and doesn’t have that much variety. Some of you may eat well but still have issues due to underlying medical causes. Let us learn some of the signs and symptoms associated with such deficiencies.
How To Identify Vitamin Deficiencies In The Body
Vitamin deficiencies are subtly symptomatic most of the time, though some overt signs may still be observed. Some of the most common ones include the following
- Severe hair fall or change in texture and volume of hair
- Nails may break soon
- You may be dealing with chronic mouth ulcers for a long time
- Your gums may bleed
- You may face vision related problems
- Skin conditions like dandruff or scaly patches on skin
- Extreme tiredness due to Vitamin D deficiency
Hair and skin texture related issues stem from a lack of Vitamin B (biotin, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine etc.) and minerals like iron and zinc. Studies have shown that recurrent mouth ulcers are caused due to a major change in microbiota and a deficiency in the Vitamin B group. Supplementing with this vitamin is hence a common practice, when you take antibiotics.
Gum problems may be due to a Vitamin C deficiency, which can lead to slow wound healing, very dry skin, scurvy and poor immunity. Vitamin C also has an antioxidative effect on cells and helps prevent DNA damage.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night vision loss, as it is necessary to synthesise rhodopsin – a protein in the retina that can help you see in the dark. Deficiency is pretty rare as it is easily found in most foods and meats we commonly consume on a daily basis.
Vitamin Deficiency Tests And What They Reveal
These tests are designed to check for vitamin concentrations found in your blood. Though they are mostly used to diagnose deficiencies, they can also detect any excesses.They check for the presence of vitamins within a particular range which is deemed normal. Any lower than the range is termed a deficiency while more than the range means you have large reserves of the vitamin present in your body. High amounts of fat soluble vitamins can be dangerous. They will also help your doctor plan an appropriate diet for you.
How To Prevent Vitamin Deficiencies Through Diet And Supplements
A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, whole grains, millets and dals is the best for you. You will need to include probiotic containing foods like curd, yoghurt, pickles, fermented salads etc. Vitamins and minerals work hand in hand in this regard- if you eat foods rich in certain minerals and then top it with Vitamin C for example, there is better absorption. Most enzymes in our body require Vitamin B for proper functioning, though deficiencies are very rare. This is because we find them in almost all dairy and animal based products. You may be deficient if you are completely vegan.
Most people assume that supplementing with vitamins everyday is better for them as they are concentrated sources in a capsule. The booming supplement industry runs with this principle at its core. But doctors will tell you that deriving all of your vitamins and minerals from good quality food is better. Some people may be allergic to certain food groups or may not be able to eat at all. For them, supplements may be a better bet. But you should always remember to talk to a doctor before you decide to take any supplement. So, now are you confident about catching any vitamin deficiency and nipping the problem in the bud itself? Let us know!