Our Top Tips For You To Improve Lung Capacity

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Our Top Tips for you to Improve Lung Capacity

Our Top Tips For You To Improve Lung Capacity

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07 October, 2024

Our Top Tips For You To Improve Lung Capacity
Many of us collectively cry when the power is out or the elevator is in maintenance mode. This is because we all have excuses- I will get breathless when I climb stairs, I’ll be all sweaty and stinky, I’ll look flushed and tired, I’m too well dressed for it and so on and on. Improving lung capacity and function should hence be the goal to solve all these issues. Let us learn how to breathe better, exercise better and live fuller lives in general.

Is Shortness Of Breath While Climbing Stairs Normal?

Poor lung capacity and lung function can cause you to wheeze or want to give up if you have to take the stairs. But this is not the case always or with everyone right? If you suddenly decide to run up some stairs, you are bound to feel breathless and winded because it is very sudden and your body needs to divert more resources into doing it. Your lungs and heart need to work overtime in this scenario. Plus, it uses several large groups of muscles, which means lots of energy is needed for them to work well. Your body is working against gravity too. So, it is almost always normal when you get winded after climbing very quickly or lots of stairs are involved. But there are other medical conditions that may cause breathlessness as an issue- like cardiac arrhythmias, COPD, severe allergies, blocked nasal and throat passages, infection that may cause pneumonia etc.

How To Improve Lung Capacity And Reduce Shortness Of Breath

You can aim to climb more stairs and exercise more, so you give your heart, lungs and muscles a better chance to work well. You can also do squats and step-ups with intervals in between to mix it up and force your body to work. You can try to incorporate aerobic exercises like dancing, jogging, walking, running, swimming or any other activity that you’d prefer to do.


Many of us tend to get really worried when we have to walk up stairs and get breathless at the end. It is a very normal occurrence and there is nothing to freak out about it. But, if you have issues like chest pain or can’t breathe normally even while talking, then you should get checked out soon. Wheezing is another factor that many people ignore. So, teach yourself this- stairs are not an enemy. They are just there to take you to higher places.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there specific exercises to reduce shortness of breath when climbing stairs?

Yes, doing squats, deadlifts or step ups- ones which help your legs work better and engage your core- they are your best friends.

Can weight gain cause shortness of breath while climbing stairs?

Yes, simply because you have to work against gravity to climb up. Your lungs are also working extra and your heart pumps more than before. If you are obese or overweight, then your hormones may not be normal and that can impact breathing patterns too.

What should I do if I frequently experience breathlessness during physical activities?

You may not be warming up before working out or you may not be pacing yourself. But if you follow all general rules and still feel breathless, it is time to get checked by a physician.

What medical conditions cause shortness of breath when doing light exercise?

Any medical issues that can cause problems for the heart and lungs are ones to watch out for.

Is shortness of breath while climbing stairs a sign of a serious health issue?

Not always. You can be a triathlete but still feel breathless after climbing a few stairs. You will need to check if you get winded after just talking, or walking slowly or any other such slow activity. When that happens, you should talk to a doctor ASAP.

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